Thursday, September 4, 2014

WHY didn't your child go away to college??? And what do you mean she lives at home?

WHY didn't your child go away to college??? And what do you mean she lives at home?

I have an 18 year old daughter that started college this year.  These are common spoken and unspoken questions.  Here in the United States we have this innate sense that we must tell the child to fly the coop at the age of 18 by encouraging them to "go away" to college.  I went away to college and many other children do as well.  I have a 15 year old that will "go away" to college and I will have a hard time convincing her to keep in touch :).  All children are different, not all will WANT to go away.  Since I don't have a lot of time to explain why my child didn't go away, I will answer some of the assumptions and bust some others up.

1.  She could not get into any other college: PPPSSSHHHH.. as if.. seriously?  Yes, she could get into other colleges, as a matter a fact she was accepted into every other college and university that she applied for.  The difference is, she CHOSE to accept the college she wanted as opposed to the other way around.

2.  She is not social: Ummm... Yeh she is, as a matter a fact, even though she "lives at home" she works, goes to class, hangs out with friends, attends activities, studies at the library and the coffee shop ("STUDY" snort) like every other college kid.. including the ones that stay on campus.

3. She didn't want to be away from mommy and her family OR she was too scared to be alone:  Ummm.. Nope.. not that either.  She does love her family, and she definitely loves her mommy, but that is not either.. I would refer you to busted assumption #2 for this answer.

4. She will never know what the real world is like till she leaves: Seriously?  I can guarantee that my daughter knows more of the "real world" is than most people her age.  Just because she doesn't choose to live hundreds of miles away or even 5 miles away (oh yeh, did I mention that she saves herself 12,000 of student debt a year by living at home instead of on a campus that is 5 miles away) does not mean that she is not exposed to the "real world".

5. She will never know the responsible of taking care of herself: You are right there, she is busy being responsible for helping to take care of everyone else.  She works, helps homeschool her 6 year old sister, goes to classes on a full load and watches her 1 year old brother... wait.... nope, you are wrong again, she does know how to take care of herself.

5. She will never "see the world": Ummm.. you mean she will not see the town that the college is in?  Or she will not be able to drive hours to visit her family? Wait... sorry, I don't understand this assumption...sigh

6. You made her stay at home so you could use her: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAH

Honestly though? naw...that is not true either. MY daughter has the freedom to come and go as she pleases.  She has the freedom to tell us no.  It is about taking personal responsibility. That being said, her tuition is paid for 100% by me and her step-father.. she doesn't mind helping out in return.

7. She just likes having a place to do her laundry for free, someone to  help her when she is stuck on a research paper, someone to feed her when she is hungry and someone to let her know that she is doing great...:  Ok.. yeh, that one is true.

But hey, that is just my Glitter Glue.

What are your thoughts on "going away" to college and if you had a child or you yourself chose to stay home, did you get any of these questions??? Please comment!

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